maandag 20 mei 2024

Magic Square - 8 x 8

 This is a new version of an 8x8 square. 

It is really special because of a huge set of numbers. (the sum of 2 numbers)
For example in the first row:
32 + 1 = 33
1 +63 = 64
63 + 34 = 97
34 + 30 = 64
30 + 3 = 33
3 + 61 = 64
61 + 36 = 97

This repeats in all the rows with the pattern:
1    33-64-97-64-33-64-97
2    97-66-33-66-97-66-33

In the columns the pattern is:
1    69-57-61-57-69-57-61
2    61-73-69-73-61-73-69

And of course all the other aspects of a magic square:
The sum of each row and column is 260 (and 130 for half of it).
The sum of each 2x2 set of numbers is 130.
All diagonals are 260

vrijdag 1 januari 2021


A magic square with in de centre the lowest numbers 1 -256.
The numbers are organised from 256 till 1. It follows a path like al labyrint with 1 as the middle.

The square is magic because the sum of the numers in each row, column and all diagonals are the same: 131104

Here below only the center

dinsdag 24 maart 2020

Franklin in a magic square

The square is magic because the sum of the numbers in each row, column and all diagonals are the same: 131104

This 128x128 magic square is divided in 16 area.

The lowest of highest number in each area is white and and the opposite full colored. The other numbers are ordered in between, so slowly it goes from white to the specific color. 

And this is the result

donderdag 12 maart 2020

Einstein 2

The square is magic because the sum of the numbers in each row, column and all diagonals are the same: 131104

This 128x128 magic square is divided in 16 area.

The lowest of highest number in each area is white and and the opposite full colored. The other numbers are ordered in between, so slowly it goes from white to the specific color. 

And this is the result

woensdag 1 januari 2020


The square is magic because the sum of the numbers in each row, column and all diagonals are the same: 131104

I like the experiment!
In this 128x128 magic square the lowest numbers 1-1024 are in the centre.
This numbers are coded in grayscale.
Number 1 is white and number 1014 is black. The other numbers are ordered in between, so slowly it goes from white to black. How bigger the number the more black.

And this is the result

A very special Magic Square

A magic square with in de centre the lowest numbers 1 -256.
The numbers are organised so that 1-4 are in the centre. 
Around there is a layer from the numbers 5 -16.
In the next layer around the numbers 17-36
And so on:
etc and the last (outside) layer 193-256

The square is magic because the sum of the numbers in each row, column and all diagonals are the same: 131104

The extra in this square is that in this centre the 2 by 2 squares are connected
The sum of the middle 2x2 square: 10
The sum 2x2 squares of the layer around is 34
16+7+10+1 and 8+15+2+9 and 12+3+14+5 and 4+11+6+13
The sum of de 2x2 squares in the layer around is 82
25+18+23+16 and33+34+7+8 and 17+26+15+24 and 9+30+11+32 etc
in the next layers the sum of the 2x2 squares are:
162 - 274 - 418 - 594 and 802

The centre with the layers
and the total 64x64 square

maandag 30 september 2019

The Tilburg T in a magical square.

The square is magic because the sum of the numbers in all rows, columns and diagonals is the same, namely 131104.

In each sub-square, the T is formed by either the lowest or the highest consecutive numbers in that series and the remainder of the sub-square just the highest or lowest numbers in the same series.

E.g. the two light blue squares:
- in the upper left square, the T starts with the number 1 and ends with 68
- in the square, slightly off center in the lower right, the T starts with 4096 and ends with 4029

Note that the sum of the 2 numbers at the top left in both sub-squares is 4097. This also applies to the
numbers that are placed in the 2nd to 256th places (bottom right in the sub-square). All numbers are linked!

This applies to every part square with the same color.

The square is somewhat stretched, because the logo of the Tilburg T has a ratio of 6:7.