maandag 20 mei 2024

Magic Square - 8 x 8

 This is a new version of an 8x8 square. 

It is really special because of a huge set of numbers. (the sum of 2 numbers)
For example in the first row:
32 + 1 = 33
1 +63 = 64
63 + 34 = 97
34 + 30 = 64
30 + 3 = 33
3 + 61 = 64
61 + 36 = 97

This repeats in all the rows with the pattern:
1    33-64-97-64-33-64-97
2    97-66-33-66-97-66-33

In the columns the pattern is:
1    69-57-61-57-69-57-61
2    61-73-69-73-61-73-69

And of course all the other aspects of a magic square:
The sum of each row and column is 260 (and 130 for half of it).
The sum of each 2x2 set of numbers is 130.
All diagonals are 260

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